You’ve all heard the phrase ‘content is king’…well we hadn’t but apparently it’s a thing. So in keeping with that motto, we’ve decided to invest even more time in our social media efforts.
In addition to our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages, we have created a vine account and we’ll be updating our Instagram on a regular basis. In doing this we’re hoping that we can give our customers a closer look at what we do and how we create some of our most popular products.
We’ve had a bit of a brainstorm, and we were thinking, ‘how can we make our social media different from the rest?’ Well we’ve got a few ideas that we’ll be rolling out over the next few months, but our first, is our monthly comic strip. Our first effort is now on our Facebook and Twitter, go on check it out…we’re not going anywhere…in fact here’s a link: We’ll be rolling a new one out every month with clever puns that focus on our products, and your feedback would be very much appreciated.
We’re full of good ideas here at bmt but if you have any ideas of your own, then feel free to give us a shout. If you have an idea for a new comic strip or even a new product, then give us a shout on our social media pages and we’ll happily give it a review.
In the meantime, keep an eye on our social media channels and we’ll keep you updated on the goings on in the world of bmt promotions.