Hi, I’m Joanna. Every day is different here at bmt Promotions. Don’t get me wrong, there is a structure and there are similar tasks that we have to complete on a daily basis but, there is a great deal of variety too. No day is the same twice and that’s what makes this job so interesting.
Here is a diary of one of my working days:
7.45am – A typical start time, I’m in the office early to deal with some queries from international suppliers and customers. I have to be able to contact people whilst they are still at work. The time difference can make that job a bit tricky on occasion. Thank goodness for smart phones, they enable quick ways to communicate no matter where our customers are in the world and for bmt Promotions, that really is invaluable.
08:00 – I have a customer who is in urgent need of some promotional items for an exhibition so, I need to give them some prices and availability for some corporate uniform and branded tote bags asap!
8.30am – I’m off to go and grab a well needed coffee before everyone else comes in and hogs the coffee machine!
8.45am – Where do I start? There are emails to go through, suppliers to contact, quotes to produce and orders to complete. Plenty of work to keep me busy until lunchtime. Got the prices sent to the customer for the promotional uniform and branded tote bags already so that’s a good start!
9.00am – The phone has started ringing already! A query for some branded mugs and teddies for a charity to quote on. Lovely!
10am – Its turning out to be a busy, productive morning. Have managed to get through to point 4 of my 10-point To-Do list already and as a result im going to reward myself with me coffee! Fantastic!
10.30am – The noisy lunch van turns up, sounds his horn and makes me jump out of my seat, again!
11am – I have had a few emails and website queries come through for quotes on corporate calendars. Best get cracking!
12pm – Lunchtime. Its everyone’s favourite part of the day isn’t it?
1.30pm – All quotes done and sent to customers, both current and new!
3pm – I’ve completed my to-do list! With hours spare! I can now get on with some accounts work while I have some extra time. There are invoices to produce and send out to customers and some to pay too!
5pm – End of the day! Its been a busy but positive, productive day for me at bmt Promotions today. I’ll look forward to tomorrow!
For a quote on your promotional product requirements email hello@bmtpromotions.co.uk or call 01933 409489